October 10, 2019

Halloween Read-A-Thons

It's FALL, y'all!! The best time of the year is finally here! I am doing 2 Read-a-thons with some of my book club people, and thought I would share them in here too in case anyone else wanted to join us. I am a little behind, b/c I just went on vacation and was too busy to read a lot *gasp*

The first read-a-thon is a hocus pocus themed one, which is pretty easy, and at the end, we have to watch the movie to get 15 points!! There are 3 teams to pick from, and I picked team Trick or Treaters. This one is only until October 14.

Prompts are:

Spine-tingling book (5 points)

Read by flashlight (5 points)

Fantasy Novel (5 points)

Read a book with a squad (5 points)

Listen to an audiobook (5 points)

Read the group book (10 points)

Then celebrate your victory by watching Hocus Pocus (15 points)

The other read-a-thon I am doing is called the Trick or Treat read-a-thon or ToT for social media hashtags

That one is a month long, and has lots of categories and prompts. Here is the twitter link!

Also, this month is Deweys!! This month is going to be full of reading lots of spooky books 😁