December 19, 2017

Pin-it Tuesday

My ex is coming over Christmas morning to do Christmas just the 3 of us before the child and myself go celebrate with my family. I wanted to make some sort of breakfast, but since I'm not much of a breakfast person, I thought I would do something fun. Our first Christmas in our apartment my mom and sister stayed the night and I made something in the crock pot, but it burned. My crockpot is old and it burns things a lot apparently. So I came across this recipe and thought it looked fun, quick, and easy!


December 6, 2017

Top 5

Top 5- Favorite things about winter

Winter is the second best season, to fall. Mainly b/c fuck the heat. Also, Christmas!!!!

First favorite thing would be the cooler weather. I don't have a woodstove anymore, but I loved it when we did have one. There is nothing better than cuddling up with a blanket and a fire going.

Second, I LOVE BLANKETS! I have probably an unheatlhy obsession with blankets, that I have passed onto my child. Sure, you can have blankets year round, but the holiday ones are the cutest!!!

Next, which probably should be first b/c it is the best thing, SNOW!! We didn't get any last year, and I am hoping for another set of storm like we had in 2015/16

Fourth, Christmas. I love everything about Christmas. Getting together with family, the lights the cookie baking, school being out, SANTA! Christmas movies. It's the best. 

Last, The end of the new year and start of a new. I'm not a fan of the whole new year new me bullshit, but I do think it's a nice thought that the slate is wiped clean and you can set new goals.

December 4, 2017


Co parenting during the holidays, sucks. Especially with someone like my x. It's downright miserable at times. It's lonely and frustrating and all of the feelings. During one of our many fights last month I came across this article and cried during the entire thing. During on our fights, I pointed out that he was the one that wanted to split up. He checked out years before we actually split, whereas I was still trying to try, while also hating him for not trying. I moved out of state in hopes it would fix us, it didn't bc he didn't want to try. Now of course that is all my opinion and he of course disagrees, but whatever. Either way, I loved that man with every ounce of me. Through everything, he was what I wanted. And this article shattered my heart all over remembering what that felt like, what it still feels like. This article put into words, why after 4 years, I still can't just pick up and move into another relationship.

November Wrap-up

I started a new job last month (which I hate) and I can't listen to audio books as much. Which is the main reason why I hate the job. I have bad anxiety, and when left to my thoughts all night, it's not good. The books helped me escape from my thought spirals and kept me from literally going crazy.

Once or twice a week, I'm completely by myself and can sneak some headphones.  I only accomplished 2 books last month, b/c on top of not being able to listen to audio books, it was a rough month for me mentally (probably b/c I drove myself crazy thinking all night), and I couldn't concentrate on a book book. 1 book was a DNF after I got about half way. It was too sexual for me and I hated it. I can do erotic books if I can skip the sex parts, which can't be done on audio. Or, if the story is good enough to get through the sex parts, Which this one was not. So I have my first DNF of the year....

After I finally accepted defeat on this one I moved on to a random KU find. I didn't know it, but this book takes place in my hometown!! Well, right outside of it, but it speaks of traveling to my town for the movies and stuff. I loved this book and have already recommended it to all of the people.