April 23, 2018


The prompt in my blog group I picked for today is "A book you hated, and a book you loved". I went through my goodreads trying to find a book I hated that wasn't forever ago. There really hasn't been a book I hated in awhile....disliked, sure, but not really hated. Then I remembered this one! I HATED this book, and that's really hard to say b/c I love Jodi's books. I'm pretty sure I already reviewed this book, but I still wanted to do it for this, and I picked a bok of hers that I loved, to kind of make up for hating this one so much.

This was a Kindle in motion book and I was so excited to read it. The pages were beautiful, and it was a short story or maybe a novella? I am not sure. But either way it was stupid. It was like a toddler literally just wrote out everything he thought in a week, and put pretty pictures on the pages and called it a book. There were too many incomplete, random stories going on, it was such a disappointment. I usually speak so highly of her, but this is one I won't be recommending.

On the other hand, there is this book. I can't remember if this was the first of hers I read, but it's the one that got me into her books. My mom sent me this book when I lived in Florida and was trying to find things to read, and couldn't afford new books or go to the library. I loved this book! And, actually wrote a goodreads review on it! There are soooo many books I read and they don't stick with me. Sometimes, even a month later when I am doing my wrap-up I'm like 'wait...what was that about' but this one I can very much remember. Maybe not all the details, but definitely enough. I recommended this book so many times I lost count. It's a beautiful book about love and losing someone you love. I don't typically re-read books, but this is one I could see reading again.

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