May 31, 2017

5 Things about me

            This was a prompt in my blog group last month I think? At the time I didn't really think there were 5 interesting things about me so I skipped the prompt and did something else. But today I think I might have come up with some!

 1. I have a fear of the movie "ET". I hate that alien thing, he creeps me out. I don't care that he's meant to be friendly, and it's a kid movie, I HATE HIM! He gives me the creeps. I'm sure there is some traumatizing thing that happened to me that made me afraid of him, or maybe not, maybe he just grosses me out. But Drew Barrymore is a trooper for filming a whole movie with that creepy fucker, bc it damn sure wouldn't be me!

 2. I despise rubber-bands, I might even say I have a phobia. I hate them. If someone hands me something that's rolled up in a rubber-band I actually have panic attacks thinking about touching the rubber band and taking it off the paper or whatever. Just thinking about it gives me the heebee jeebies.

 3. I want to live in Rhode Island. There was a show years and years ago called Providence and the main character lived there and owned a dog bakery. After watching the show I knew that's what I wanted to do. Own a dog bakery (a barkery) living in Rhode Island. Don't know that it'll ever happen, but I would love to live there.

 4. What I wanted to be when I grew up (in order)....A teacher, A vet (until I was told I was too stupid to get into Va Tech-the best vet school in our area and where my uncle went), A therapist (which is funny b/c I hated every therapist my parents sent me to), A cop (until every guy I dated laughed at me for this) an ultrasound tech (until I realized I would be in school for 8 years to do it)

5. I'm obsessed with buying journals. I don't even write in them, I just want to own them.

1 comment:

  1. I still think you should go for being a cop. I think you would make an awesome cop.
